AICA Certificates
The European Union has always stressed the importance of information technologies and digital skills of its citizens; the Council, the Commission, and the European Parliament all agree that the ability to make the most out of technology is an essential factor for the economic and social development of individual European countries and of the Union itself.
Why are computer skills important for teachers and students?
Without computer skills, you reduce to some extent your chance to find a rewarding job.
Through AICA (Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico), the Italian non-profit association of ICT practitioners and professionals, eCampus University promotes the development of digital knowledge because we believe that the diffusion of digital culture and the building of a digital society are essential requirements for the progress of the community, as well as an added value for the entry into the world of work.
The ICDL Basic certificate attests to the essential level of computer and web skills of the candidate, updated to the features introduced by web 2.0. It is the natural evolution of the old ICDL Start certification. The candidates can attain the ICDL Basic certificate by passing the 4 modules listed below:
This module illustrates essential concepts and skills related to the use of computers and connected devices, file creation and management, networks, and data security.
Upon completion of this module, the candidate will be able to:
- Understand key concepts in information technology, computers, devices, and software.
- Start and shut down a computer.
- Work effectively on the computer desktop using icons and windows.
- Define the main operating system settings and use the built-in help features.
- Create a simple document and print an output.
- Know what the main concepts of file management are and be able to efficiently organize files and folders.
- Understand storage concepts and use utility software to compress and extract large files.
- Understand networking concepts, how to connect, and be able to connect to a network.
- Understand the importance of protecting data and devices from malware, and the importance of backing up data.
- Know and understand some aspects of Green IT, accessibility, and user health.
The ICDL Computer Essentials module describes the fundamental skills and major concepts related to information technology, computers, peripherals, and software. The aim of the course is to certify best practices for effective computer use.
The module covers the skills required to perform tasks related to creating and formatting text documents, such as letters, reports, and articles.
Upon completion of this module, the candidate will be able to:
- Work with documents and save them in different file formats.
- Choose built-in options to improve productivity, such as the Help feature.
- Create and edit small documents for sharing and distribution.
- Apply different formatting to documents to improve readability before distribution; identify the best formatting methods.
- Insert tables, images, and graphic objects into documents.
- Prepare documents for merge printing operations.
- Choose document page settings.
- Check and correct spelling errors before final printing.
The ICDL Word Processing module describes the key skills needed to use a word processing program. It can be applied to a wide range of word processing software including open source. It certifies best practices for effective use of screen writers and word processing tools.
The module covers the fundamental concepts and skills necessary for navigating the web, effective information search process, online communication, and use of email.
Upon completion of this module, the candidate will be able to:
- Understand the concepts of web browsing and online security.
- Use the web browser and manage browser settings, bookmarks, and web search results.
- Effectively research online information and critically evaluate web content.
- Understand key aspects in copyright and data protection.
- Understand the concepts of online communities, communications, and email.
- Send, receive email, and manage email settings.
- Organize and search email messages and the use of calendars.Organize and search email messages and the use of calendars.
The ICDL Online Essentials module contains the skills you need to understand key concepts in web browsing and online security.
This module covers skills related to creating, formatting, editing, and using spreadsheets, developing standard formulas and functions, and creating and formatting charts or tables.
Upon completion of this module, the candidate will be able to:
- Work with spreadsheets and save them in a variety of file formats.
- Choose options built into the application to improve productivity, such as the Help feature.
- Enter data into cells, use the best modalities to create lists.
- Select, reorder and copy, move and delete data. Modify rows and columns in a worksheet.
- Copy, move, delete, and rename worksheets appropriately.
- Create mathematical and logical formulas using standard spreadsheet functions; use the best ways to create formulas; recognize errors in formulas.
- Format numbers and text in a spreadsheet.
- Select, create, and format charts to communicate information in a meaningful way.
- Adjust spreadsheet page settings.
- Check and correct spreadsheet contents before printing.
The Spreadsheets ICDL module describes the key skills required to use a spreadsheet management program. It can be applied to a wide range of spreadsheet management software including open source. The module certifies best practices for effective use of spreadsheet tools.
The ICDL Full Standard certification program helps you take full advantage of the opportunities provided by digital technologies both in your everyday life and at work. Not only will you be able to operate with commonly used computer programs in a more informed manner, but you will also be able to navigate with greater confidence to access information and services, communicate and interact online.
On April 2014 ICDL Full Standard, which today is called ICDL Full Standard, was accredited as a certification scheme of computer skills by Accredia, the only Italian accreditation body responsible for validating the certification processes.
The ICDL Full Standard certification can be achieved by passing the 4 basic ICDL modules plus 3 standard modules chosen by AICA, listed below:
The ICDL Basic certificate attests to the essential level of computer and web skills of the candidate, updated to the features introduced by web 2.0. It is the natural evolution of the old ICDL Start certification. The candidates can attain the ICDL Basic certificate by passing the 4 modules listed below:
This module covers the fundamental concepts and skills for setting up and using online production and collaboration tools and cloud computing. You'll delve into the use of: calendar, blogs, wikis, video conferencing, and e-learning environments. Plus you'll know how to use your smartphone quickly and nimbly.
Upon completion of this module, the candidate will be able to:
- Understand key concepts related to online collaboration and cloud computing.
- Set up an account to access online collaboration tools.
- Use online storage and web-based productivity applications.
- Use online and mobile calendars to manage and schedule tasks.
- Collaborate and interact with social networks, blogs, and wikis.
- Plan and organize online meetings and use online learning environments.
- Understand key concepts of mobile technology and use features such as email, apps, and data and message synchronization.
The ICDL Online Collaboration Online Collaboration module describes the key skills needed to understand the main concepts related to online collaboration and cloud computing.
This module covers the ability to create, format, edit and prepare professional presentations, using advanced tools to enrich them and make them more effective.
Upon completion of this module, the candidate will be able to:
- Work with presentations and save them in different formats.
- Choose options built into the application to improve productivity, such as the Help feature.
- Understand the different presentation views and when to use them; choose between different slide layouts and drawings.
- Insert, edit, and format text in presentations.
- Recognize proper methodologies for assigning unique titles to slides.
- Select, create, and format graphics to communicate information in a meaningful way.
- Insert and edit images, manage images, objects, and drawings.
- Apply animations and transition effects to presentations.
- Check and proofread presentation content before final printing and starting the presentation.
The ICDL Presentation module describes the key skills needed to use a presentation management program.
It can be applied to a wide range of presentation management software including open source.
This module will enable the candidate to use digital technology safely in both your daily activities and work environment. You will know how to maintain a secure network connection, use the Internet safely, and properly manage data and information.
As information technology is used by more and more people to carry out an ever-increasing range of activities, the need to ensure data security becomes increasingly urgent. All IT users should be vigilant about computer security threats such as viruses, phishing, hackers, online fraud and identity theft in general. Using IT security products, supplemented with proper skills and knowledge to identify and address IT security threats, is the most effective way to protect yourself and your data.
Candidates with valid ICDL Full Standard certification can also obtain DigComp 2.2 certification, recognized in public calls and competitions as International Digital Literacy Certification (CIAD).
DigComp is a digital skills framework created by the European Commission.
It aims to favour the development and comprehension of digital skills in Europe.
DigComp proposes a set of digital competencies for all citizens. 21 digital competencies are grouped into five areas: Information, Communication, Content Creation, Security and Problem Solving.
Eight levels of competency, ranging from basic to specialized, have been defined for each of the indicated skills.
ACCREDIA accreditation
Eight levels of competency, ranging from basic to specialized, have been defined for each of the indicated skills.
The new National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL) for the school sector, signed on Jan. 18, 2024, introduces the requirement for ATA staff to obtain International Computer Literacy Certification for access to rankings. According to Joint Statement 5 of the CCNL, in order to comply with MIM requirements for ATA rankings, recognized digital certifications must:
- be issued by entities accredited by ACCREDIA
- be accredited by ACCREDIA and currently valid
- comply with European standards.
Digcomp 2.2 is a European framework that complies with European regulations
This module covers the essential concepts and basic skills of digital marketing, including creating an effective web presence, optimizing content for search engines (SEO), using social media platforms, conducting online marketing and advertising through a variety of services, as well as monitoring and improving campaigns through the use of analytics tools.
Upon completion of this module, the candidate will be able to:
- Understand basic concepts related to digital marketing, including benefits, limitations and planning.
- Understand different web presence options and how to select useful keywords for search engine optimization.
- Recognize different social media platforms and set up and use the most common platforms.
- Understand how effective social media management supports promotion and lead generation.
- Use a social media management service to schedule content posting and set up notifications.
- Understand the various possibilities of online marketing and advertising, including search engine marketing, email and mobile marketing.
- Understand and use analytics services to monitor and improve campaigns.
- This module defines the fundamental concepts and skills related to the basic principles of digital marketing.
- This module certifies best practices to be applied in content creation for websites.
- It was developed with the contribution of experts in the field and international digital marketing professionals.
- This process ensures the relevance of the module content.
This module, defines the essential concepts and skills related to identifying, researching, evaluating, organizing, and communicating online information. ICDL Information Literacy is primarily intended for lower and upper secondary students who wish to use online information to develop knowledge and create research reports.
Upon completion of this module, the candidates will be able to:
- Determine what online information is required to meet a particular need.
- Research information online using search engines and social media applications in a secure way.
- Critically evaluate information in accordance with a set of criteria.
- Manage and organize information using a range of tools.
- Plan, process, review, and deliver information online.
- It certifies best practices in information literacy.
- It covers the key skills and knowledge needed to research and evaluate information, topics, data, found on the web, for all types of topics.
- It ensures the ability to organize research findings in a well-structured and properly expressed manner.
The purpose of the CYBERSHIELD module is to enable the students to use the network in a conscious and safe way, identifying and avoiding the phenomena of cyberbullying in a prompt and effective manner.
The candidate will acquire the skills needed to address this specific issue, and will be made aware of the legal implications, as well as of the main social networks and messaging systems through which cyberbullying is implemented. Through this module, the students will acquire a clear and comprehensive reference framework necessary to understand such phenomena and prevent the correlated risks.
Upon completion of this module, the candidates will be able to:
- Recognize overt and covert cyberbullying early and learn how to prevent it.
- Know what to do and who to contact in case of cyberbullying.
- Know the main legal and regulatory aspects of cyberbullying.
- Know the characteristics and relative risks of social networks with regard to this issue.
The module is dedicated in particular to adolescents and pre-adolescents, age group in which the phenomenon is more widespread.
The “DigComp 2.2 Certificate for Qualified Computer User (CIAD)” issued by AICA: bears the words “DigComp 2.2 Certificate for Qualified Computer User” and indicates the level achieved by the candidate for each of the five DigComp 2.2 competency areas, reports the average value of the mastery levels, calculated as an approximate average by rounding to the nearest integer indicates CIAD (International Certification of Digital Literacy) and can be used in public tenders and competitions. It is public and verifiable in Accredia's public register.
Candidates who do not have a valid ICDL Full Standard certification must take an examination called the “DIGCOMP 2.2 Examination” which allows them to test the competences required by the DIGCOMP 2.2 Framework in a comprehensive manner, starting from zero.
AICA is accredited by Accredia for DigComp 2.2 and is officially listed on Accredia's website as an accredited body for DigComp.
The new National Collective Labour Agreement (CCNL) for the school sector, signed on 18 January 2024, introduces the obligation for ATA personnel to obtain International Digital Literacy Certification for access to rankings.
Digcomp 2.2 is a European framework that complies with European regulations and is valid for 4 years.
Skills Card (SC)
The Skills Card is an official and personal document, issued by AICA, materially made up of a card, if paper, or of an A4 sheet, if virtual. The Skills Card enables its owner to take ICDL exams and allows the registration of the exams taken. The Skills Card, associated with a unique identifier, is property of the candidate who bought it and can be kept by the Test Center that sold it only temporarily, for registration needs.
Therefore, the Skills Card can be seen as a university booklet for ICDL exams.
eCampus relies on this document for the registration of BASIC AND FULL STANDARD certificates.
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