Certifications of Competencies

The aim of this certification is to provide knowledge and skills in the publishing field. The course was planned in the light of a careful market research on the competencies required by companies interested in finding new human resorces; and provides essential knowledge for those who intend to approach the publishing field.
This certification is also suitable for experienced publishing professionals in search of further specialization.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in collaboration with UNIONCAMERE, is required to provide periodical reports on the trend of the Publishing sector in Italy. The professional figure of content creator (classified within the macro-area of the intellectual, scientific, and highly specialized professions) has 89,4% of underqualified employees (according to the greatest Publishing Agencies), causing a periodical turn-over of the human resources employed.
In 2018, for the aforementioned position were available 2440 places of employment requiring for the 47,9% a secondary school diploma, and for the 52,1% an Academic Degree. Even if the overall difficulty of recruitment of the candidates is estimed to a 11%, the high percentage of inadequate candidates reported by the employers emphasizes a need of additional education estimed to a 40%.
The present course aims to provide graduate students with the possibility to specialize in the Digital Publishing field, in order to meet the needs of the companies looking for experienced and specialized professionals.
The present certification was developed in order to provide its graduates with knowledge on different means of communication;as well as abilities in the field of publishing. Being able to gather news in order to draft autononomously an article or an editorial content; and possessing specific knowledge in the field of information law and press freedom, are basic qualities for those who aspire to attain a secure employment in the publishing field; and a necessary update for those who are already experienced in the field.
For that reason, UnieCampus provides certifications, didactic notions and competencies in the following areas:
- Sociology of Communication and Information;
- Information and Communication Law;
- Writing Workshop and Web Writing Workshop.

In terms of Formative Credits, The Certification "Design and Creation of Editorial Contents" provides a total of 25 CFU, respectively:
- 9 credits for the module of Sociology of Information and Communication;
- 9 credits for the module of Information and Communication Law;
- 2 credits for the Writing Workshop;
- 2 credits for the Web Writing Workshop;
- 3 credits for the IT Certificate AICA – ICDL BASIC;
The Competence Certificate ""Design and Creation of Editorial Contents" shall be issued upon completion of the exams related to the four modules.
Upon completion of the course, the candidates will obtain a badge and the relevant Certificate of Competence, issued through the Bestr. system
The related CFU may be recognized as a result of an explicit request to the Students' Administrator Office, for the purpose of an eventual matriculation to a Degree Course, (for example, the Degree in: Communication Sciences), Master's Degree Course, or an Academic Master; whithin the limits provided by the current legislation, and only in the event that the exams are carried out through the same modalities provided in the learning pathway of the Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, and Academic Master in question.
Request Information

The aim of this certification is to provide the candidate with knowledge and abilities in the field of Trade and Entrepreneurship. The learning project was conceived as a result of various market researches in the field of Economics and Commerce. The certification may also be useful for experts in the field as a refresher course.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in collaboration with UNIONCAMERE, is required to provide periodical reports on the trend of the Commercial sector in Italy. The professional figure of "small business owner" (classified within the macro-area of the entrepreneurial professions) needs further information for the 82%.
In 2018, for the aforementioned position were available 2500 places of employment requiring for the 41,9% a secondary school diploma, and for the 58,1% an Academic Degree. The overall difficulty of recruitment of the candidates is estimed to a 43%, according to the major brands.
Therefore, the present certification has the purpose of providing the students with fundamental competencies needed in order to solve all the issues related to the commercial activities. The course shall also provide fundamental notions on start up business; business planning; marketing strategies; management and evaluation of digital marketing.
The present certification has the purpose of providing the students with fundamental competencies needed in order to solve all the issues related to the commercial activities.
Therefore, the course provides fundamental notions on:
- how to manage a start up business;
- how to create an accurate business plan;
- how to devise an effective marketing strategy;
- management and evaluation of digital marketing.

In terms of Formative Credits, the Certification "Startup Enterprises, Innovation and Entrepreneurship" provides a total 36 CFU:
- 9 CFU for the module of Business Administration
- 6 CFU for the module of Business planning and Startup Enterprises
- 9 CFU for the module dedicated to the legal arrangements for the Startup Enterprises
- 6 CFU for the module of Web Marketing;
- 6 CFU for the IT Certificate AICA - ICDL FULL STANDARD.
The Competence Certificate "Startup Enterprises, Innovation and Entrepreneurship" shall be issued upon completion of the exams related to the four modules. Each exam consists in a multiple-choice test (30 questions), to be carried out at one of the branches of the University in paper-based or computer-based modality. The students will have max. one hour to complete the test. The exam shall be intended as passed if the candidate has answered correctly to at least 18 questions (0 = wrong answer or the answer is not given, 1= right answer). In case of failure, the students may re-take the exam within 60 days from the first attempt.
The successful completion of four exams and the exam related to the computer certification, entails the attainment of the badge and the related certification, issued by the .Bestr digital credentialing system.
The related CFU may be recognized as a result of an explicit request to the Students' Administrator Office, for the purpose of an eventual matriculation to a Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, or an Academic Master; whithin the limits provided by the current legislation, and only in the event that the exams are carried out through the same modalities provided in the learning pathway of the Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, and Academic Master in question.
Off course, the successful completion of the examinations shall be regarded as the basic condition for the attainment of the present Certification of Competence.
Request Information

The learning pathway is aimed at providing competencies and knowledge within the field of Business Management. The learning project was conceived as a result of various market researches in the field of Economics and Commerce. The certification may also be useful for experts in the field as a refresher course.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in collaboration with UNIONCAMERE, is required to provide periodical reports on the trend of the Commercial sector in Italy. The professional figure of "small business owner" (classified within the macro-area of the entrepreneurial professions) needs further information for the 82%.
In 2018, for the aforementioned position were available 2500 places of employment requiring for the 41,9% a secondary school diploma, and for the 58,1% an Academic Degree. The overall difficulty of recruitment of the candidates is estimed to a 43%, according to the major brands.
Therefore, the aim of the present certification is to provide the possibility to specialize in the Economic, Commercial, and Entrepreneurial field, through juridical subjects such as Trade Union Law and Labour Law, and acquiring specific competencies on the processes of selection and management of the personnel within the context of the company relations.
The project for this Certification was created in order to provide the students with fundamental competencies enabling them to consciounsly deal with all the issues related to the commercial activity.
Therefore, it is important to provide the candidates with the following knowledge:
- fundamental notions and principles on business management;
- the main concepts of business organization;
- notions on labour law;
- knowledge of the basic methods and tools used within the context of a small business;
- application areas of Business Communication;
- management tools for the selection and the management of personnel.
e-Campus University provides knowledge and abilities related to the following subjects:

In terms of Formative Credits, the Certification "Business Management" provides a total 39 CFU:
- 9 CFU for the module dedicated to Business Management;
- 9 CFU for the module dedicated to Labour Law;
- 6 CFU for the module dedicated to Business Communication;
- 9 CFU for the module dedicated to Selection and Management of Human Resources;
- 6 CFU for the IT Certificate AICA - ICDL FULL STANDARD.
The Competence Certificate "Business Management" shall be issued upon completion of the exams related to the four modules. Each exam consists in a multiple-choice test (30 questions), to be carried out at one of the branches of the University in paper-based or computer-based modality. The students will have max. one hour to complete the test. The exam shall be intended as passed if the candidate has answered correctly to at least 18 questions (0 = wrong answer or the answer is not given, 1= right answer). In case of failure, the students may re-take the exam within 60 days from the first attempt.
The successful completion of four exams and the exam related to the computer certification, entails the attainment of the badge and the related certification, issued by the .Bestr digital credentialing system.
The related CFU may be recognized as a result of an explicit request to the Students' Administrator Office, for the purpose of an eventual matriculation to a Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, or an Academic Master; within the limits provided by the current legislation, and only in the event that the exams are carried out through the same modalities provided in the learning pathway of the Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, and Academic Master in question.
Off course, the successful completion of the examinations shall be regarded as the basic condition for the attainment of the present Certification of Competence.
Request Information

The aim of this certification is to provide the candidate with knowledge and abilities of the labour within the field of Energy Engineering. The learning project was conceived as a result of various market researches, and provides fundamental knowledge in design of power stations. The certification may also be useful for experts in the field as a refresher course.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in collaboration with UNIONCAMERE, is required to provide periodical reports on the trend of the Commercial sector in Italy. The professional figure of "Renewable Energy Technician" (classified within the macro-area of the entrepreneurial professions) needs further information for the 99%.
In 2018, for the aforementioned position were available 590 places of employment (increasing in 2019) requiring for the 17,9% a secondary school diploma, and for the 82,1% an Academic Degree. The overall difficulty of recruitment of the candidates is estimed to a 47%, and among them a 6,2% does not have an adequate preparation.
Therefore, the aim of the present certification is to provide the students with the technical abilities and knowledge needed in order to identify the new energy conversion systems, starting from the primary sources available in nature; with the ultimate goal to increase energy savings and reduce the environmental impact.
The learning project related to this certification was specially created in order to assist the specialists in the production of renewable energies in the application of energy saving techniques.
For such motive, eCampus offers the possibility to acquire knowledge and competencies in various fields of expertise (Biological Sciences and Industrial Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering), apparently diverse, but useful for the purpose of creating a customized learning path for the professional figure of the "Renewable Energy Technician".
The courses provided for the purpose of attaining the certification are the following:
This learning pathway, also provides the possibility to attain the IT Certificate AICA - ICDL FULL STANDARD

In terms of Formative Credits, the Certification "Environmentally Sustainable Energy Systems" provides a total 40 CFU:
- 9 CFU for the module dedicated to Technical Physics and Technical Plants;
- 6 CFU for the module dedicated to Measures and Efficiency Control of Buildings;
- 6 CFU for the module dedicated to Energy Efficiency Check;
- 6 CFU for the module dedicated to Selection and Management of Human Resources;
- 6 CFU for the module dedicated to Energetics;
- 4 CFU for the IT Certificate AICA - ICDL FULL STANDARD.
The Competence Certificate "Environmentally Sustainable Energy Systems" shall be issued upon completion of the exams related to the four modules. Each exam consists in a multiple-choice test (30 questions), to be carried out at one of the branches of the University in paper-based or computer-based modality. The students will have max. one hour to complete the test. The exam shall be intended as passed if the candidate has answered correctly to at least 18 questions (0 = wrong answer or the answer is not given, 1= right answer). In case of failure, the students may re-take the exam within 60 days from the first attempt.
The successful completion of four exams and the exam related to the computer certification, entails the attainment of the badge and the related certification, issued by the .Bestr digital credentialing system.
The related CFU may be recognized as a result of an explicit request to the Students' Administrator Office, for the purpose of an eventual matriculation to a Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, or an Academic Master; whithin the limits provided by the current legislation, and only in the event that the exams are carried out through the same modalities provided in the learning pathway of the Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, and Academic Master in question.
Off course, the successful completion of the examinations shall be regarded as the basic condition for the attainment of the present Certification of Competence.
Request Information

The learning pathway provides in-depth knowledge within the field of electronic engineering, with particular attention to the development and the creation of programs aimed at memorizing, researching and elaborating data and information. The learning project was conceived as a result of various market researches, and provides fundamental knowledge in electronic programmation. The certification may also be useful for experts in the field as a refresher course.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in collaboration with UNIONCAMERE, is required to provide periodical reports on the trend of the Commercial sector in Italy. The professional figure of "Electronic Programmer in the Industrial Automation Area" (classified within the macro-area of the technical professions in the scientific field) has an estimed difficulty in finding suitable candidates estimed to a 56% according to the hiring managers.
In 2018, for the aforementioned position were available 24.840 places of employment requiring for the 46,5% a secondary school diploma, and for the 53,2% an Academic Degree. The overall difficulty of recruitment of the candidates is estimed to a 34,3%, and among them a 89% does not have an adequate preparation.
The aforementioned information highlight the high demand of professional figures specialized in programming the PLC (Programmable logic controller), but also and above all the importance of providing the candidates for the position a specified education.
Therefore, aim of this certification is to provide the learner with fundamental knowledge and competencies enabling the learner to carry out autonomously all the duties of a programmer and installer of electronic systems such as:
- elaboration and transmission of data in highly automated industrial plants;
- programming in PLC small industrial computers for calculatory speed;
- designing and programming softwares for the production of electronic equipment;
- installation and configuration of the hardware;
- relevation of the functionality of the machinery and optimization of the related automation system, in particular of the user interface;
- technical assistance to the plant operators;
- adaptation of the electronic systems to the needs of the customers.
The courses provided for the purpose of attaining the certification are the following:
This learning pathway, also provides the possibility to attain the IT Certificate AICA - ICDL FULL STANDARD

In terms of Formative Credits, the Certification "Electronic Programmer in the Industrial Automation Area" provides a total 37 CFU:
- 12 CFU for the module Foundations of Computer Science;
- 9 CFU for the module Foundations of Automation;
- 6 CFU for the module Software Engineering ;
- 6 CFU for the module Industrial Automation;
- 4 CFU for IT Certificate AICA - ICDL FULL STANDARD.
The Competence Certificate "Electronic Programmer in the Industrial Automation Area" shall be issued upon completion of the exams related to the four modules. Each exam consists in a multiple-choice test (30 questions), to be carried out at one of the branches of the University in paper-based or computer-based modality. The students will have max. one hour to complete the test. The exam shall be intended as passed if the candidate has answered correctly to at least 18 questions (0 = wrong answer or the answer is not given, 1= right answer). In case of failure, the students may re-take the exam within 60 days from the first attempt.
The successful completion of four exams and the exam related to the computer certification, entails the attainment of the badge and the related certification, issued by the .Bestr digital credentialing system.
The related CFU may be recognized as a result of an explicit request to the Students' Administrator Office, for the purpose of an eventual matriculation to a Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, or an Academic Master; within the limits provided by the current legislation, and only in the event that the exams are carried out through the same modalities provided in the learning pathway of the Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, and Academic Master in question.
Off course, the successful completion of the examinations shall be regarded as the basic condition for the attainment of the present Certification of Competence.
Request Information

The didactic pathway is aimed at providing knowledge and abilities within the professional area of Information Technology (IT). Such area of employment requires an elevated number of professionals specialized in programming techniques.
For that reason, the badge was designed to provide advanced and certified competencies in software developing and programming.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in collaboration with UNIONCAMERE, is required to provide periodical reports on the trend of the IT sector in Italy. The professional figure of "Java Programmer" (classified within the macro-area of the scientific, engineering professions) has an estimed difficulty in finding suitable candidates estimed to a 56% according to the hiring managers.
In 2018, for the aforementioned position were available 24.840 places of employment requiring for the 46,5% a secondary school diploma, and for the 53,2% an Academic Degree. Even if the overall difficulty of recruitment of the candidates is estimed to a 11%, the high percentage of inadequate candidates reported by the employers emphasizes a need of additional education estimed to a 89%.
The aforementioned information highlight the high demand of professional figures specialized in programming techniques, but also and above all the importance of providing the candidates for the position a specified education.
This course was designed in order to give the recently graduated students the possibility to specialize in the sector of Information Technology and Software Development, providing them with abilities related to:
- problem-solving;
- translating instructions, specific control measures and procedures into flowcharts for language programming;
- data collection and processing.
Furthermore, the course offers inter-disciplinary knowledge and competencies in:
This learning pathway, also provides the possibility to attain the IT Certificate - AICA – IT SECURITY
In terms of Formative Credits, the Certification "Java Programmer" provides a total 34 CFU:
- 12 CFU for the module Foundations of Computer Science;
- 6 CFU for the module Algorithms and Data Structures;
- 12 CFU for the module Programming Languages;
- 4 CFU for the IT Certificate AICA – IT SECURITY
The Competence Certificate "Java Programmer" shall be issued upon completion of the exams related to the four modules. Each exam consists in a multiple-choice test (30 questions), to be carried out at one of the branches of the University in paper-based or computer-based modality. The students will have max. one hour to complete the test. The exam shall be intended as passed if the candidate has answered correctly to at least 18 questions (0 = wrong answer or the answer is not given, 1= right answer). In case of failure, the students may re-take the exam within 60 days from the first attempt.
The successful completion of three exams and the exam related to the computer certification, entails the attainment of the badge and the related certification, issued by the .Bestr digital credentialing system.
The related CFU may be recognized as a result of an explicit request to the Students' Administrator Office, for the purpose of an eventual matriculation to a Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, or an Academic Master; within the limits provided by the current legislation, and only in the event that the exams are carried out through the same modalities provided in the learning pathway of the Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, and Academic Master in question.
Of course, the successful completion of the examinations shall be regarded as the basic condition for the attainment of the present Certification of Competence.

The aim of this course is to provide the learner with specific competencies necessary for undertaking a career as a mobile app developer. The Information Technology (IT) is a sector in continuous evolution, and the professional figure of the mobile app developer has become a competitive professional profile.
This certification may also be useful for experts in the field as a refresher course.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in collaboration with UNIONCAMERE, is required to provide periodical reports on the trend of the IT sector in Italy. The professional figure of "Mobile App Developer" (classified within the macro-area of the scientific, engineering professions) has an estimed difficulty in finding suitable candidates estimed to a 56% according to the hiring managers.
In 2018, for the aforementioned position were available 24.840 places of employment requiring for the 46,5% a secondary school diploma, and for the 53,2% an Academic Degree. Even if the overall difficulty of recruitment of the candidates is estimed to a 11%, the high percentage of inadequate candidates reported by the employers emphasizes a need of additional education estimed to a 89%.
The aforementioned information highlight the high demand of professional figures specialized in programming techniques, but also and above all the importance of providing the candidates for the position a specified education.
The aim of the course is to provide the students with fundamental knowledge and competencies normally required for the profession of software analyst:
- problem-solving;
- translating instructions, specific control measures and procedures into flowcharts for language programming;
- developing and writing programs for data collection and processing;
- design and developement of mobile apps.
Furthermore, the course offers inter-disciplinary knowledge and competencies in:
- 8 CFU for the IT Certificate AICA – IT SECURITY;
- 9 CFU for the module App's User Interface;
- 6 CFU for the module App Programming 1;
- 6 CFU for the module App Programming 2;
- 6 CFU for the module Mobile Operating Systems;
- 4 CFU for the Apple Computer Certificate.
This learning pathway, also provides the possibility to attain the It Certificate AICA - ICDL FULL STANDARD

Upon completion of the course the students will also attain the APP DEVELOPMENT WITH SWIFT certificate, which provides basic knowledge of the Swift Programming Language sucha as syntax, logics, structures, functions and models.
Swift is a cutting edge programming language used for the creation of popular apps such as Airbnb, KAYAK, TripAdvisor, Venmo e Yelp; based on Everyone Can Code, a free coding tool created by Apple for the development of iOS apps.
In terms of Formative Credits, the Certification "Mobile App Developer" provides a total 39 CFU:
The Competence Certificate "Java Programmer" shall be issued upon completion of the exams related to the four modules. Each exam consists in a multiple-choice test (30 questions), to be carried out at one of the branches of the University in paper-based or computer-based modality. The students will have max. one hour to complete the test. The exam shall be intended as passed if the candidate has answered correctly to at least 18 questions (0 = wrong answer or the answer is not given, 1= right answer). In case of failure, the students may re-take the exam within 60 days from the first attempt.
The successful completion of four exams and the exam related to the computer certification, entails the attainment of the badge and the related certification, issued by the .Bestr digital credentialing system.
The related CFU may be recognized as a result of an explicit request to the Students' Administrator Office, for the purpose of an eventual matriculation to a Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, or an Academic Master; within the limits provided by the current legislation, and only in the event that the exams are carried out through the same modalities provided in the learning pathway of the Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, and Academic Master in question.
Of course, the successful completion of the examinations shall be regarded as the basic condition for the attainment of the present Certification of Competence.

The aim of this course is to provide the learner with specific competencies necessary for undertaking a career as a back office specialist.
A back office is a specific business sector featuring a support staff who carries out a series of activities not directly related to the relation with the client.
Among the most classic and renowned examples of back office sectors are Human Resources, Warehouse, Accounting, Information Technology, Purchasing Department, General Government, etc.
The competencies required for this specific profession depend on the sector in which the business operates, as well as on the area of activity in which each professional is specialized; in general, the back offic specialists tend to support an aspect of the procedures of planning, management and administration carrying out non-directive tasks.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in collaboration with UNIONCAMERE, is required to provide periodical reports on the trend of the IT sector in Italy. The professional figure of "Back Office Specialist" (classified within the macro-area of the executive professions) has an estimed difficulty in finding suitable candidates estimed to a 56% according to the hiring managers.
In 2018, for the aforementioned position were available 100.450 places of employment requiring for the 16,1% a secondary school diploma, and for the 20,4% an Academic Degree. Even if the overall difficulty of recruitment of the candidates is estimed to a 38,2%, the high percentage of inadequate candidates reported by the employers emphasizes a need of additional education estimed to a 89%.
The aforementioned information highlight the high demand of professional figures specialized in programming techniques, but also and above all the importance of providing the candidates for the position a specified education.
This course was designed in order to give the recently graduated students the possibility to specialize in the sector of Information Technology, Economics, Accounting and Intra-Company Logistics.
The aim of the course is to provide the students with fundamental knowledge and competencies normally required for the profession of back office specialist:
This learning pathway, also provides the possibility to attain the IT Certificate AICA - ICDL FULL STANDARD

The aforementioned exams are related to the current technologies, as well as to the modern requirements of digital alphabetization, including the social media and cloud computing.
In terms of Formative Credits, the Certification "Back office Specialist" provides a total 29 CFU:
- 9 CFU for the module Economics and Business Management;
- 9 CFU for the module Accounting;
- 6 CFU for the module Marketing and Business Management
- 5 CFU for the IT Certificate ICDL FULL STANDARD;
The Competence Certificate "Java Programmer" shall be issued upon completion of the exams related to the four modules. Each exam consists in a multiple-choice test (30 questions), to be carried out at one of the branches of the University in paper-based or computer-based modality. The students will have max. one hour to complete the test. The exam shall be intended as passed if the candidate has answered correctly to at least 18 questions (0 = wrong answer or the answer is not given, 1= right answer). In case of failure, the students may re-take the exam within 60 days from the first attempt.
The successful completion of four exams and the exam related to the computer certification, entails the attainment of the badge and the related certification, issued by the .Bestr digital credentialing system.
The related CFU may be recognized as a result of an explicit request to the Students' Administrator Office, for the purpose of an eventual matriculation to a Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, or an Academic Master; within the limits provided by the current legislation, and only in the event that the exams are carried out through the same modalities provided in the learning pathway of the Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, and Academic Master in question.
Of course, the successful completion of the examinations shall be regarded as the basic condition for the attainment of the present Certification of Competence.

This learning pathway enables the student to analyze a series of issues related to marketing and the digital world, providing knowledge and competencies related to the basic principles for the conception of digital-communicative strategies, in anticipation of specific and effective business plans.
The course will provide the learner with ability and knowledge within the field of corporate marketing, through the use of digital marketing supports and traditional marketing tools, for the purpose of creating an integrated, personalized and interactive communication experiences for various businesses.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in collaboration with UNIONCAMERE, is required to provide periodical reports on the trend of the IT sector in Italy. 86% of the candidates applying for the professional figure of "Marketing Specialist" (classified within the macro-area of the commercial professions) require further training in the field.
In 2019, for the aforementioned position were available 16.570 places of employment requiring for the 34,7% a secondary school diploma, and for the 34,7% an Academic Degree. The overall difficulty of recruitment of the candidates is estimed to a 30%.
The aforementioned information highlight the high demand of professional figures specialized in marketing techniques, but also and above all the importance of providing the candidates for the position a specialized education.
The course will provide the learner with knowledge within the field of digital marketing, as well as with the ability to create effective digital marketing plans. Upon completion of the course, the candidate will be able to create, organize and apply all kinds of strategic methodologies related to digital marketing;, as well as to analyze the results of marketing campaigns and market trends.
The course will also provides the tools required to:
- Understand the world of communication and digital marketing;
- Create and monitor marketing campaigns;
- Understand the dynamics of Digital Branding;
- Organize and Manage the Video, Content and Social Media Marketing departments;
- Relate with the international public characterizing the global market.
The aim of the course is to provide the students with following fundamental knowledge and competencies, normally required for the profession of digital marketing specialist:
- Marketing;
- Digital Marketing;
- Creation and management of a website;
- English Language.

In order to attain the certificate, the candidates shall pass the following 5 exams:
- Creating a website with WordPress;
- Managing and developing a website;
- Introduction to SEO;
- Social Network;
- Facebook Marketing.
In terms of Formative Credits, the Certification “Digital Marketing Expert” provides a total 38 CFU:
- 6 CFU for the module WEB CONTENT MARKETING;
- 6 CFU for the module ENGLISH LANGUAGE
- 8 CFU for the IT Certificate AICA - ICDL FULL STANDARD.
The Competence Certificate "Java Programmer" shall be issued upon completion of the exams related to the four modules. Each exam consists in a multiple-choice test (30 questions), to be carried out at one of the branches of the University in paper-based or computer-based modality. The students will have max. one hour to complete the test. The exam shall be intended as passed if the candidate has answered correctly to at least 18 questions (0 = wrong answer or the answer is not given, 1= right answer). In case of failure, the students may re-take the exam within 60 days from the first attempt.
The successful completion of four exams and the exam related to the computer certification, entails the attainment of the badge and the related certification, issued by the .Bestr digital credentialing system.
The related CFU may be recognized as a result of an explicit request to the Students' Administrator Office, for the purpose of an eventual matriculation to a Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, or an Academic Master; within the limits provided by the current legislation, and only in the event that the exams are carried out through the same modalities provided in the learning pathway of the Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, and Academic Master in question.
Of course, the successful completion of the examinations shall be regarded as the basic condition for the attainment of the present Certification of Competence.

The aim of this course is to provide the candidates with the skills and abilities necessary to become a professional figure able to support all the activities and operations of the commercial department of small and large companies. The commercial service officer is a key figure for companies dealing with trade in goods or services, and especially for all those organizations working intensively with foreign countries.
The course has been designed after a careful analysis of the labor market and the skills required by companies looking for new resources to hire; the resulting training will allow the learner to understand and develop specialized abilities related to the sphere of administrative support to staff in the commercial area.
In addition to being a qualifying tool for workers who intend to refine skills and knowledge in the field, the course provides essential knowledge in administrative support to staff in the commercial area to those who, after completing their studies, intend to pursue this profession.
International Sales Manager
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in collaboration with UNIONCAMERE, is required to provide periodical reports on the trend of the Commercial sector in Italy. The professional figure of "International Sales Manager" (classified within the executive professions in office work) needs further information for the 87,0%.
In 2019, for the aforementioned position were available 7.230 places of employment requiring for the18,6% professional education, for the 53,1% a secondary school diploma, and for the 28,3% an Academic Degree. These data highlight the high demand from the labor market for professionals - graduates and/or undergraduates - specialized to work in the field of support to the commercial department, and the importance of providing them with a well-aimed preparation.
The main prerequisite of the project is the realization of a course that certifies the skills acquired for the professional figure of "Foreign Trade Office Employee" able to provide effective tools to the candidate who wants to undertake this work path or who intends to retrain in the sector. The objective is to provide a base of specific skills that cover several areas of interest, from economic to linguistic, from information technology to human resources.
In fact, there are many skills that a foreign commercial employee must develop in order to carry out his work at best. These are realized in the ability to perform administrative tasks, in the ability to manage orders and in the care of relationships with customers and suppliers, Italian and foreign.
It is therefore important for candidates for this profession:
- to understand the world of administration, accounting and, more generally, economics;
- to learn how to manage corporate human resources;
- to learn how to relate to international audiences in the global marketplace;
- to consolidate their computer skills;
For this reason, thanks to the courses provided by eCampus University, it is possible to provide the candidates with notions and skills in different areas:
- Economics;
- HR;
- Linguistics;
- IT.

In terms of Formative Credits, the Certification "International Sales Manager" provides a total 37 CFU:
- 9 credits for the module of ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING;
- 9 credits for the module of BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION;
- 5 credits for the module ENGLISH LANGUAGE;
- 8 credits for the IT Certificate AICA - ICDL FULL STANDARD.
The Competence Certificate "International Sales Manager" shall be issued upon completion of the exams related to the four modules. Each exam consists in a multiple-choice test (30 questions), to be carried out at one of the branches of the University in paper-based or computer-based modality. The students will have max. one hour to complete the test. The exam shall be intended as passed if the candidate has answered correctly to at least 18 questions (0 = wrong answer or the answer is not given, 1= right answer). In case of failure, the students may re-take the exam within 60 days from the first attempt.
The successful completion of four exams and the exam related to the computer certification, entails the attainment of the badge and the related certification, issued by the .Bestr digital credentialing system.
The related CFU may be recognized as a result of an explicit request to the Students' Administrator Office, for the purpose of an eventual matriculation to a Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, or an Academic Master; within the limits provided by the current legislation, and only in the event that the exams are carried out through the same modalities provided in the learning pathway of the Degree Course, Master's Degree Course, and Academic Master in question.
Of course, the successful completion of the examinations shall be regarded as the basic condition for the attainment of the present Certification of Competence.