Faculty of Engineering

Public selection for the recruitment of researchers with fixed-term employment, according to the art. 24, paragraph 3, letters a) and b) of the Law no. 240 enacted 30.12.2010

With D.P.C.T.O. n. 99/13 of 09 December 2013 published in the Official Gazette - 4th special series - Selections and Examinations n. 102. December 27, 2013, shall be called no. 11 public selection for recruiting of researchers according to the art. 24, paragraph 3, letters a) and b) of the Law no. 240 enacted 30.12.2010, for the Faculty of Engineering and scientific areas listed below (deadline for submission of application: January 27, 2014)


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Settore concorsuale

Settore scientifico disciplinare (Requisiti e descrizione della ricerca)


Verbale prima seduta con definizione dei criteri di valutazione

Verbale seconda seduta con la convocazione dei candidati ammessi

Relazione finale


IUS/07 Diritto del lavoro

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