Thanks to STUDIUM Srl, a publishing company with over 50 years of experience in the field of Education, all the Authors may now have the possibility to publish their academic works on the book series "Quaderni Accademici" with an assigned ISBN (Standard Book Number).
The academic works will be evaluated by the Scientific Editorial Board, which has the faculty to require a mandatory review of any non-original content (texts, images) or an optional re-elaboration of the improvable parts.
The graphic design - including the book cover - is at the expense of the publishing house and the Graphics Department; the author is required to send a .docx file at the highest time resolution available.
The service provides for the predisposition and the shipment of two paper copies (volume format 20 x 27 cm) and 18 electronic copies (delivered through the AMAZON platform).
The overall cost is 600 euro (including VAT) for 150-page pieces ( b/w or colour); 800 euro (including VAT) for 500-page pieces ( b/w or colour).
The author may request other paper copies at the cost of 20,00 Euro (including VAT) per volume, plus shipping costs.
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