Description and objectives
Wellness and sustainability are two deeply interconnected themes. The aim of this doctorate is to provide the candidates with an integrated approach on various themes related to wellness and sustainability, such as environmental conservation; the correct lifestyles for health restoration, prevention and treatment of pathological states. The multidisciplinary nature of the project, ensured by the competences of lecturers and researchers belonging to different SSDs, by means of diversified and integrated cognitive and methodological tools, guarantees an adequate approach to the difficult issue of "wellness and sustainability". The topic can be approached from different perspectives, considering both the individual and the community, as highlighted in the various research lines that the PhD programme proposes. The research lines cover the following CUN areas: civil engineering (area 08), industrial and information engineering (area 09), psychological sciences (area 11), medical sciences (area 06) and biological sciences (area 05).
Objectives of the course:
The doctorate aims to provide an adequate preparation with two different goals: a) carry out activities in the field of basic, applied or finalised research, both in the academic and industrial field; b) obtain skills for highly qualified professional activities to be carried out in public or private - national and international - structures/bodies/centres dealing with issues related to wellbeing, health, safety and environmental sustainability, both in the field of engineering disciplines and in in the field of psychology, biomedicine and motor sciences.
Career opportunities
Thanks to its interdisciplinary character, the doctorate enables the acquisition of transversal scientific knowledge and solid specialised expertise. Furthermore, the course provides for the possibility to carry out specific in-depth study of the research subjects through the possibility of a period of study abroad. This opportunity is ensured by the presence of international professors in the PhD board and by the existence of adequate funding to spend the research period abroad in facilities that are strategic for the specific lines of research. The main professional opportunities are offered by public (universities, research institutes, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, local health authorities) or private (industries, spin-offs) research laboratories. In addition to the world of research, further opportunities for employment involve other contexts, such as: production industries (multinationals, small and medium-sized enterprises); local health agencies for the organization of interventions useful for the wellbeing of both the population and health workers; biomedical diagnostic laboratories; teaching; development of individualised motor activity programmes related to the maintenance of health and well-being; local health authorities. Attendance at the doctoral programme also provides transversal engineering, bio-medical and psychological skills that can be used in a variety of employment situations. Lastly, it is important to emphasise how the members of the College and the tutors involved in the PhD students' training collaborate on research topics of common interest, both with national and international companies and with local realities, reinforcing the development of the course and broadening the employment and professional outlets.
Co-ordinator: Carlo Baldari (Teacher Profile)
Language of the course: Italian
Duration: 3 years
Educational Offer 2022-23
Research Authorities 2022-23
Research Lines 2022-23
Business Collaborations 2022-23
Co-tutors External to the Teaching Staff 2022-23
Doctorate and Businesses 2022-23
Internal Regulation of the Doctorate 2022-23

XXXVIII Cycle (2022-23)