Medium and Mediality
Coordinator: Prof. Francesco Napoli (Teacher Profile)
Language of the Course: Italian
Duration: 3 years
Didactics of the doctorate
Research authorities
Research lines
Collaborations and International Mobility
Doctorate and businesses
Internal regulation of the doctorate
Regulation for the issuance of the authorisation of the working activity of the PhD students
Guidelines for the co-supervision of the PhD final dissertation and related forms
Lines of research
Communicative mediation: revolutions and meta-knowledge in visual, written and mass-media cultureNew forms of transmedial creativity and generative processes of knowledge; Computer based stemmatology and digital editions; From manuscript to digital; Transformation of political participation and forms of citizenship; Transformations in the relationships between language, medium and message; Utopian and dystopian languages; ecocriticism; posthumanism.
Texts and texts: Translation; rewritings, adaptations; Transmedia and crossmedia content construction (storytelling and cultural products); Orality, writing and textualisation; Hypertext philosophy; Imitation, reuse, refunctionalisation and plagiarism (old and new dimensions of copyright); Dissemination, circulation and sustainability of texts (manuscripts, documentary sources, art collections, audiovisual products, media industries); Cultural systems and products (economic, organisational and market dimensions, sustainability, circular economy, public support and consequences of cultural policies).
Transmediality and philosophy of the web; Collective and interdisciplinary research perspectives for ancient disciplines (digitisation of sources and cultural heritage); Rethinking libraries and archives; Social impact of the net (privacy and oblivion, web reputation in the corporate and personal sphere); Freedom of information and fake news; Information and financial and corporate communication: efficiency and market distortion; Organisations and the common good.
Case studies of the intersection of space/time/medium factors; Phenomenology and freedom of virtual and augmented environments; Intersections between real and virtual communities; The frontier of mediality: anatomies, cartographies, scripts; Meanings and political functions of memory; Phenomenology of perception and media; Philosophy and the linguistic medium.
Education, training and learning in the digital horizon (media literacy and media education, digital divide and inclusive education, ethical development, cyberbullying, disciplinary teaching perspectives); Digital innovation and legal and organisational transformation (smart working, digital contract, e-commerce); Mediatisation of social phenomena.