General Didactics

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EDUCATIONAL OFFER PROVIDED for the Research Doctorate in Medium and Mediality - XXXVIII cycle
1st Year
Attività - titolo* CFU verifica
Computer Science and Statistic 6 yes
English 6 yes
Other language 3 yes
Academic writing for research purposes 3 yes
Research Methodology 3 yes
New media for the diffusion of research 3
Synchronic and diachronic approach to mediality 6
Sociology of the media 6
Social Medium and... historical, philological, juridical, economic and social science 6
Scientific production, intellectual property, research deontology 5 -
- Scientific and intellectual perspectives of authorship: histories and forms; 2
- Copyright: current legislation and history of coding 1
- Histories, definitions and types of plagiarism 1
- Freedom of speech and its limits 1
Medium and mediality - under the prism of the disciplines. Methodologies and case studies 15 - Presentaiton of the concept of medium and mediality in the various disciplines involved in the doctorate. Participation of all the students and professors interested in the creation of a research group
- The medium in the transmission of texts 1
- Mediality and history 1
- Phenomenology of the media 1
- The medium in juridical science 1
- Media and social inclusivity, citizenship and sustainability 2
- Media and artistic creativity 1
- Sociology of the media 1
- Corporate information systems as means of external and internal communication 1
- Innovation, co-operation, networks and communication 1
- Technology and new media in the financial sector 1
- Media history in different disciplines 2
- Educational epistemology 1
- Education and digital society 1
Participation to seminars and conferences for the purpose of the definition of the research project 4 -
Autonomous activity for the definition of research projects (workshops, bibliographic research and similar) 11 -
2nd Year
Activity - title* CFU Final Exam
English or other language 3 yes
Medium and Mediality: an inter-disciplinary approach 12 - 1. Transversal research seminar with the active participation of students and professors.
2. Sessions (modules) with at least two disciplines involved.
3. Theoretical reflection for the construction of an inter-disciplinary approach
Participation to seminars and conferences for the purpose of the development of the research project 12 -
Participation and seminar activity on the state of advancement of the candidates' research 3 -
Drafting and writing the final dissertation 30
3rd Year
Attività - titolo* CFU Final Exam
Participation to seminars and conferences for the purpose of the development of the research project 3 -
Drafting and writing the final dissertation 57 -