Qualifying educational programs - 30 cfu, pursuant to art. 13, DPCM 4/8/23

eCampus University, Accademia del Lusso and Accademia Belle Arti Sanremo “I. Duncan” have established the Multidisciplinary Center for Teacher Education - CEMFI for the purpose of organizing and providing educational pathways for the initial training of secondary school teachers. The lead institution of the Center is eCampus University.

By decree 397, issued in 7/02/2024, eCampus University received accreditation for the activation of qualifying educational programs for teachers.
The first training courses to be activated are those provided for in Art. 13 of DPCM August 4, 2023.

Admission requirements

Possession of qualification on a competition class or other educational grade or specialization in support teaching.
Possession of the qualification and all requirements necessary to enter the competition class.

Academic qualifications obtained abroad

Academic degree obtained abroad and recognized as qualifying for teaching by special decree of the MUR.
Academic degree obtained abroad for which the relevant application for recognition has been submitted to the Directorate General for School Regulations and Evaluation of the National Education System.

Learning pathway

The learning pathway provides for a total of 30 CFU on topics related to the didactic methodologies and technologies of the competition class.

Modality of implementation and frequency

The lessons will be provided only in synchronous online modality and will be conducted on a dedicated platform with attendance and access control.
As provided for in Art. 7 paragraph 7 of DCPM August 4, 2023, a minimum percentage of attendance at the training activities of 70% will be required to access the final examination.

Final dissertation

Upon completion of the learning pathway the candidates are required to take a final examination presided over by a committee of teachers composed of four members including two faculty members from the University, a component designated by the USR and an external component expert in training.
The final examination consists of a written part concerning instructional design using also multimedia technologies and a simulated lesson lasting up to 45 minutes.

CFU Recognition

The candidates will not receive credits for this pathway, the course provides only modulation of educational offerings.


  1. Who should I call if I have problems?
    The channels available for students to contact the university are the following:

      During live streaming, for all teaching-related requests regarding what was said/communicated by the professors in the classroom or in any case relating to the course of the lesson, the student may send an email specifying the edition attended and the lesson followed; the request, where possible, will be handled immediately, otherwise it will be forwarded to the relevant offices and handled according to a schedule compatible with the type of request.
      • MAIN CHANNEL: “RICHIEDI ASSISTENZA” function in the reserved area section of the portal named “percorsi abilitanti docenti”
        For enquiries related to:
        • - Link to the lessons
        • - Exams
        • - Biometric recognition
        • - Attendance percentage
        • - Administrative problems
        • - For requests for justifications for work requirements
        • - Other
      • segreteria.30art13@uniecampus.it
        For all requests related to the student's career (e.g. enrolment, study plan, exam venue, etc.).
    Please do not send the same report on more than one channel and do not send it multiple times.

  2. Can more than one course be taken at the same time?
    Only two courses are accepted per academic year that do not both have compulsory attendance and are not the same for 2/3 of the syllabus. E.g. the 30 CFU ex Art 13 and the TFA are incompatible, whereas the abbreviated TFA, which only has internships and workshops, is not.

  3. Is it possible to take several Article 13 authorisations? MODIFIED FAQ
    Yes, the important thing is that the university has activated a pathway with a different curriculum.

  4. Has eCampus University provided pathways for ITP competition classes?

  5. Does the 30 cfu Art. 13 pathway provide for an internship?

  6. Do foreign qualification or specialisation qualifications allow access to the 30 cfu pathway under Art. 30?
    Enrolment is conditional and therefore attendance of the course is permitted if a qualification recognition procedure has been initiated with an appropriate certificate certifying that the procedure has been initiated.
    The candidate may also take the final examination.

  7. Should the student enrol directly in the new A01, A12 and A22 Competition Classes?
    Following the Ministry's indications, eCampus University will activate the accredited classes and thus the ‘old’ unmerged classes. It is therefore necessary to specify the pre-reform competition class.

  8. Is the pre-2001 master's degree holder to be considered qualified?

  9. Is the competition qualifying?
    No, since the entry into force of DL 36/2022, only those who have obtained permanent employment are to be considered qualified.

  10. Which competitions are qualifying?
    The competitions that took place in 1999 and 2020; those that took place in 2012,2016 and 2018 are not.

  11. Does the single entail matriculation?
    Yes, but it does not count towards the number of courses that can be activated.

  12. Which competition classes have been accredited for the qualifying courses organised by eCampus University: MODIFIED FAQ
    A11 - Literary disciplines and Latin
    A12 - Literary disciplines
    A13 - Latin and Greek literary disciplines
    A18 - Philosophy and Human Sciences
    A19 - Philosophy and History
    A22 - Italian History and Geography
    A23 - Italian language for foreign language learners
    A26 - Mathematics
    A27 - Mathematics and Physics
    A28 - Mathematics and Sciences
    A45 - Economic and business sciences
    A46 - Economics and Business
    A47 - Applied mathematics
    A48 - Motor and sport sciences in secondary education institutions
    A49 - Motor and sport sciences in secondary school
    A54 - Art History
    A01 - Art and image in secondary school (Accademia di belle arti "Istituto I. Duncan" - Accademia del Lusso)
    A05 - Fabric and fashion design (Accademia di belle arti "Istituto I. Duncan" - Accademia del Lusso)
    A08 - Geometrical disciplines, architecture, furniture design and stagecraft design (Accademia di belle arti "Istituto I. Duncan" - Accademia del usso)
    A09 - Graphic design, painting and scenography disciplines (Accademia di belle arti "Istituto I. Duncan" di SANREMO (IM) - Accademia del Lusso)
    A10 - Graphic design and advertising disciplines (Accademia di belle arti "Istituto I. Duncan" - Accademia del Lusso)
    A17 - Drawing and Art History in Secondary Education Institutions (Accademia di belle arti "Istituto I. Duncan" - Accademia del Lusso)

  13. Is the student who enrols in the route matriculated? MODIFIED FAQ
    Yes, it is a full-fledged registration with the issuing of a matriculation number. Enrolment times vary depending on the number of enrolled students, given the need to verify the existence of the access requirements. At any time during the pathway, even during or after the final examination, the candidate may be excluded from the pathway if the University finds that he/she does not meet the access requirements laid down by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023 and by the regulations in force.
    As of the 4th edition, students in classes related to the Academies will also be matriculated by eCampus.

  14. How are the lecture cycles organised?
    The IV Edition provides as the only option the course with lessons delivered during the weekend.

  15. Is there recognition of credits for the 30 cfu pathway?
    No, there is no recognition.

  16. How are the lessons delivered?
    All cross-curricular subjects (common to all trainees) take place in the Zoom classroom, which is accessed via a PERSONALISED link sent by email from no-reply-zoomevents@zoom.us.
    The 3 CFU subject specific to the competition class (disciplinary subject) will instead be delivered via teleskill webinar. In this case, candidates will not receive a link, but on the dates scheduled for this subject they will have to access the lesson by logging into their reserved area of the ecampus website. There will be no uploading of teaching material to the University platform, nor any set of questions, which would be of no use, given the format of the final examination.

  17. How do I access lessons delivered in the Zoom classroom?
    Zoom lessons are accessed via a link sent by the student administration office
    It should be noted that links are nominal and therefore cannot be forwarded to other persons who would not be tracked by the platform.
    Each subject has a specific link (so, for example, the invitation link for SCHOOL LAW will have to be used on all days when this subject is scheduled).

  18. What equipment is needed to attend classes online?
    You can access the virtual classroom with a PC (Windows, Mac) with a stable connection (preferably with fibre); connecting to the virtual classroom via hotspot of your mobile phone is strongly discouraged.
    You can connect with any PC/Mac connected to the Internet and equipped with a headset/headphones.

  19. How will the transversal and disciplinary subject calendar be structured?
    For cross-curricular subjects, all students attend lessons in a single group. Subsequently, the candidates will be divided for the disciplinary subjects according to the competition class chosen at the time of registration and will participate in the lessons planned for each individual competition class.

  20. How can I calculate the percentage of absences?
    Attendance is compulsory and is set by the DPCM as at least 70 per cent of each activity.
    Generic example: a subject of 6 cfu corresponds to 36 academic hours of lecture equivalent to 1620 total minutes of connection, therefore a maximum of 486 minutes of absence will be allowed.
    ATTENTION: this frequency is monitored via two parameters:

    • Link, associated with the platform access email, and tracked by the platform itself via a specific report.
    • Answer to the pop ups, necessary to verify the candidate's presence in front of the monitor.

    Attendance monitoring pop-ups are sent ONLY during the frontal lecture and NEVER during breaks or during the exercises and remain on the monitor for 5 minutes.
    It is essential to confirm the candidate's attendance via the pop-ups that will periodically be proposed during the course of the lessons, as this is a fundamental part of the counting of the total percentage of attendance (the actual minutes of connection will be given an incidence of 80% and the remaining 20% will result from the confirmation of attendance via POP UP).
    The university, at the end of each lecture cycle of the same activity/subject, will notify ONLY those students who have not achieved 70% attendance as per ministerial instructions.

  21. Is it possible to make up lessons?
    For all those who, despite attending, have not reached 70% attendance for various reasons, the University will schedule a single remedial session for each of the transversal subjects.
    No catch-up is guaranteed for the subjects..
    Candidates who are notified that they have not reached the minimum attendance level may take remedial classes for each cross-curricular subject; however, it will not be possible to make up the entire number of hours of individual teaching.
    The calendars may be subject to change for organisational, teaching or ministerial updating reasons.

  22. Can I talk to the professor during the course of the lesson?
    No. The professor will conduct the lecture and may propose to the candidates the performance of exercises or practical tests to be carried out individually; at the end of the individual exercise, the lecturer will simulate the exercise with the procedure deemed most suitable. It should be noted that the exercises proposed by the lecturers during the course of the lessons are proposed and are not compulsory; nevertheless, their performance is recommended, as they prepare for the final examination tests.
  23. How can I access the padlet (online platform that allows to create and share virtual whiteboards with different file formats) to view the teaching material proposed by the teacher?
    On resources of the ZOOM platform in the Documents section, you will find a link or a QR code associated with one or more Lecturers, through which you will be able to view the Lecturer's teaching content (presentations, videos, etc.) also relating to previous lectures.
  24. From whom should I request the attendance slip to be presented to my employer?
    After the lessons I can send a request via the “REQUEST ASSISTANCE” link located in the reserved area section of the academic portal

  25. I have lost my eCampus portal credentials
    The credentials recovery system of the ecampus portal allows users to recover both user and password by entering their tax code and the same email address entered during registration.

  26. What are the locations where I can take my final exams? MODIFIED FAQ

    • Novedrate

    • Milano, eCampus branch

    • Torino

    • Firenze

    • Bologna

    • Ancona

    • Pescara

    • Genova

    • Roma

    • Napoli

    • Catanzaro

    • Cosenza

    • Reggio Calabria

    • Bari

    • Palermo

    • Catania

    • Cagliari

    • Padova

    • Città di Castello

  27. How does the final examination take place?
    The final test of the university and academic course consists of a written test and a simulated lesson, which ascertain the acquisition of the professional skills of the profile.

    1. The written test consists of an innovative didactic design intervention, also using multimedia digital technologies, relating to the discipline or disciplines of the competition class for which the qualification is obtained. The candidate will be asked to design a Teaching Action (AD), which constitutes part of a Learning Unit (UDA), on the basis of an outline containing information regarding the grade of school (first or second grade secondary school), the part of the reference curriculum (discipline and year) and the disciplinary and transversal skills of reference.
    2. the simulated lesson, on a theme proposed by the commission in advance of forty-eight hours, is also designed using multimedia digital technologies, is developed with innovative didactics and is accompanied by an illustration of the content, didactic and methodological choices made with reference to the initial training pathway relating to the specific competition class.
    3. The selection board for the final examination consists of two university professors or lecturers from AFAM institutions who are members of the teaching board, one of whom acts as chairman, as well as a member appointed by the USR and an external member who is an expert in training in the subjects relating to the qualifying course.
    4. The selection board awards a maximum of ten points to the written test and ten points to the simulated lesson. The final examination is passed if the candidate achieves a mark of at least 7/10 in the written test and 7/10 in the simulated lesson.
    5. The written test and the oral test will probably be held on the same day; each candidate will receive the invitation with all the details well in advance.

  28. How is the examining board composed?
    The final examination commission will consist of:

    • two internal members of eCampus University;
    • a member of the relevant Regional School Office;
    • an external disciplinary expert.

  29. What happens if I do not pass the final exam?
    I may request to take the examination on the dates and with the students of the next edition of the course, subject to payment of a € 150.00 secretarial fee and the submission of a formal request to be sent to segreteria.30art13@uniecampus.it.

  30. What is the reservation system they tell me to fill in?
    Students must make their pathway choices, thus reserving themselves for the course lectures, by logging into their reserved area of the ecampus portal by entering their username and password, at which point those who are regularly enrolled will display the “percorsi abilitanti docenti” choice option.
    Students must log in to the booking system to re-confirm their preference of class, type of calendar, examination venue and "elective" subjects in the syllabus.

  31. By accessing my reserved area of the ecampus portal I cannot find the option to choose “percorsi abilitanti docenti”.
    Send a report to segreteria.30art13@uniecampus.it specifying your ecampus portal access user

  32. By accessing the “percorsi abilitanti docenti” section in my reserved area I do not see the dates of my course edition, but those of the other one
    Send a report using the ‘GET ASSISTANCE’ channel in the reserved area section of the portal “percorsi abilitanti docenti”

  33. I HAVE PASSED THE EXTRAORDINARY COMPETITION INDICATED BY DM 106 of 23/2/24, by 30 June 2025 must I enrol in a 30 cfu qualifying course pursuant to Art. 13 Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023?
    Article 10 of Decree Law n. 71 of 31/05/24 converted into Law n. 106 of 29/07/24 defines that all those who have passed the competition announced by Decree n. 106 23/02/24 participating as "NON-QUALIFIED" and as of today tenured teachers with more than three years of service at school, must acquire, in any case, by the deadline of 30 June 2025, thirty university training credits (CFU) or academic training credits (CFA) of the university and academic initial training course pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 2, first sentence, of Legislative Decree No. 59 of 13 April 2017.
    ATTENTION! This is not the 30 CFU qualifying pathway established pursuant to Art. 13 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023, intended for those who already hold a further qualification, but the 30 CFU qualifying pathway defined in Annex 2 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023. It is therefore a pathway with programmed numbers and subject to participation in a competition announced by the University.

  1. What are the locations where final exams can be taken?

    • Novedrate

    • Milano, eCampus

    • Milano, Accademia del Lusso

    • Milano, Accademia “Duncan” di Sanremo

    • Padova

    • Torino

    • Firenze

    • Bologna

    • Ancona

    • Pescara

    • Genova

    • Sanremo, Accademia “Duncan”

    • Città di Castello

    • Roma

    • Napoli

    • Catanzaro

    • Cosenza

    • Reggio Calabria

    • Bari

    • Palermo

    • Catania

    • Cagliari

    The choice of the examination venue is made immediately after the pathway enrollment contract is signed, when contacting the educational manager.

  2. How is the final examination conducted?
    The final test of the university and academic path consists of a written test and a simulated lecture, which assess the acquisition of the professional skills of the profile.

    1. The written test consists in an innovative instructional design intervention, including multimedia digital technologies, inherent to the subject or disciplines of the competition class for which the qualification is obtained. The candidate will be asked to design an Instructional Action (AD), which constitutes part of a Unit of Learning (UDA), on the basis of an outline containing information with respect to the grade of school (secondary or upper secondary), the reference part of the curriculum (discipline and year) and the disciplinary and transversal competencies of reference.
    2. The simulated lesson, on a theme proposed by the committee with an advance of forty-eight hours, is also designed using multimedia digital technologies, is developed with innovative didactics and is accompanied by the illustration of the content, teaching and methodological choices made with reference to the initial training course related to the specific competition class.
    3. The jury for the final examination consists of two professors from the university or lecturers from AFAM institutions who belong to the teaching council, one of whom serves as chairman, as well as a member designated by the USR and an external member who is an expert in training in the subjects related to the qualifying path.
    4. The jury awards up to a maximum of ten points to the written test and ten points to the simulated lecture. The final test is considered passed if the candidate achieves a score of at least 7/10 in the written test, and 7/10 in the simulated lesson.
    5. The written test and the oral test are likely to be held on the same day; each candidate will receive the call with all directions well in advance.

  3. How is the final examination commission comprised?
    The final examination committee will consist of:

    • two internal members of eCampus University;
    • a member of the regional school office;
    • an external disciplinary expert.

  4. What happens if I fail the final exam?
    I will be able to request to take the exam on the dates and with the students of the next edition of the course, upon payment of €150.00 secretarial fee and sending a formal request to be forwarded to segreteria.30art13@uniecampus.it.

  5. Are the 18 hours of the UDA to be considered for their own discipline or are they interdisciplinary?
    It depends on the candidate's choice; if the candidate proposes an interdisciplinary design, it is a good example of innovative teaching.

  6. If the 18 hours of the UDA are to be divided into 6-hour phases, is only one phase to be analyzed and the other two actions to be described concisely?
    The choice is up to the candidate, at the preparation stage we advise candidates to prepare the full proposal for practice.

  7. Any additional aids and time that can be used pursuant to L.104/92. Does the student have to make a preliminary request or is it sufficient to bring the relevant documentation on the day of the test?
    The student must first apply to the university's CABES committee and obtain the relevant resolution. In order to apply to the CABES, you must send a special request using the form at the link https://www.uniecampus.it/studenti/disabilita-dsa-e-bes/
    Certifications submitted on the day of the examination will not be accepted.

  8. La traccia della lezione simulata (prova orale) verrà inviata in modalità telematica o bisognerà recarsi presso la sede?
    La traccia della prova orale sarà inviata per email.

  9. Will the outline of the simulated lecture (oral test) be sent electronically or will it be necessary to go to the university branch?
    The outline of the oral test will be sent by email.

  10. Will assessment rubrics for the written test and oral test be published to describe the generic dimensions indicated as the subject of assessment?
    Each candidate will have the opportunity to carry out a design that allows them to express their skills, we suggest that candidates practise a design consistent with the discipline(s) of their competition class.

  11. In the written test, will it be possible to consult the regulatory sources relating to the specific learning objectives? Will it be possible to consult the civil code?
    At the examination, the ministerial guidelines for each school order will be made available to the candidates for consultation.

  12. Will a series of topics for the final exam be provided?

  13. Will the UDA be at will or is the title chosen by the committee?
    Each candidate will have an opportunity to carry out a design that allows each one to express his or her skills; we suggest that candidates practice a design consistent with the discipline(s) of their competition class

  14. Can the three didactic actions of the UDA be on different topics or must they be linked together?
    The design must be consistent with: the learning objectives, the disciplinary and transversal competencies that the candidate will indicate, the type of school, and the educational period chosen.

  15. Will ecampus provide the topic on the day of the exam for the Uda that they will develop during the written exam or are the candidates to choose title/topic of the Uda that they will develop on the day of the exam?
    Each candidate will have an opportunity to carry out a design that allows each one to express his or her skills; we suggest that candidates practice a design consistent with the discipline(s) of their competition class.

  16. In the section on the main aims of the course, should I indicate only the competence development goals and specific learning objectives? If so, where should I indicate European key competencies and citizenship competencies?
    Write down the main objectives of the UdA as a whole. It would be better if there were not too many so as not to make the project too general, the specific objectives should be detailed in the teaching actions.

  17. Will students have the opportunity to consult the part of the National Directions that pertains to the CdC?
    These are the documents that can be consulted to gain mastery of the expected competencies according to the type of school, address of study, and subject area indicated in the "Target Audience" field:

  18. Will the topic of the writing be totally free or will it be chosen on some given macro-areas?
    Each candidate will have an opportunity to carry out a design that allows each one to express his or her skills; we suggest that candidates practice a design consistent with the discipline(s) of their competition class.

  19. Will the written test be computer-based or paper-based?
    The written test will be paper-based.

  20. How should the active part of the simulated lesson be organized?
    It would be good to give the committee a general idea of how the candidate sets up the lesson with the classroom, of course it depends on the type of lesson the candidate intends to develop, it is important that the pre-active part and the active part are consistent.

  21. It would be good to give the committee a general idea of how the candidate sets up the lesson with the classroom, of course it depends on the type of lesson the candidate intends to develop, it is important that the pre-active part and the active part are consistent.
    Students may use the format they want.

  1. What are the locations where final exams can be taken?

    • Novedrate

    • Milano, eCampus

    • Torino

    • Firenze

    • Bologna

    • Ancona

    • Pescara

    • Genova

    • Roma

    • Napoli

    • Catanzaro

    • Cosenza

    • Reggio Calabria

    • Bari

    • Palermo

    • Catania

    • Cagliari

    The choice of the examination venue is made immediately after the pathway enrollment contract is signed, when contacting the educational manager.

  2. How is the final examination conducted?
    The final test of the university and academic path consists of a written test and a simulated lecture, which assess the acquisition of the professional skills of the profile.

    1. The written test consists in an innovative instructional design intervention, including multimedia digital technologies, inherent to the subject or disciplines of the competition class for which the qualification is obtained. The candidate will be asked to design an Instructional Action (AD), which constitutes part of a Unit of Learning (UDA), on the basis of an outline containing information with respect to the grade of school (secondary or upper secondary), the reference part of the curriculum (discipline and year) and the disciplinary and transversal competencies of reference.
    2. The simulated lesson, on a theme proposed by the committee with an advance of forty-eight hours, is also designed using multimedia digital technologies, is developed with innovative didactics and is accompanied by the illustration of the content, teaching and methodological choices made with reference to the initial training course related to the specific competition class.
    3. The jury for the final examination consists of two professors from the university or lecturers from AFAM institutions who belong to the teaching council, one of whom serves as chairman, as well as a member designated by the USR and an external member who is an expert in training in the subjects related to the qualifying path.
    4. The jury awards up to a maximum of ten points to the written test and ten points to the simulated lecture. The final test is considered passed if the candidate achieves a score of at least 7/10 in the written test, and 7/10 in the simulated lesson.
    5. The written test and the oral test are likely to be held on the same day; each candidate will receive the call with all directions well in advance.

  3. How is the final examination commission comprised?
    The final examination committee will consist of:

    • two internal members of eCampus University;
    • a member of the regional school office;
    • an external disciplinary expert.

  4. What happens if I fail the final exam?
    I will be able to request to take the exam on the dates and with the students of the next edition of the course, upon payment of €150.00 secretarial fee and sending a formal request to be forwarded to segreteria.30art13@uniecampus.it.

  5. Are the 18 hours of the UDA to be considered for their own discipline or are they interdisciplinary?
    It depends on the candidate's choice; if the candidate proposes an interdisciplinary design, it is a good example of innovative teaching.

  6. If the 18 hours of the UDA are to be divided into 6-hour phases, is only one phase to be analyzed and the other two actions to be described concisely?
    The choice is up to the candidate, at the preparation stage we advise candidates to prepare the full proposal for practice.

  7. Any additional aids and time that can be used pursuant to L.104/92. Does the student have to make a preliminary request or is it sufficient to bring the relevant documentation on the day of the test?
    The student must first apply to the university's CABES committee and obtain the relevant resolution. In order to apply to the CABES, you must send a special request using the form at the link https://www.uniecampus.it/studenti/disabilita-dsa-e-bes/
    Certifications submitted on the day of the examination will not be accepted.

  8. La traccia della lezione simulata (prova orale) verrà inviata in modalità telematica o bisognerà recarsi presso la sede?
    La traccia della prova orale sarà inviata per email.

  9. Will the outline of the simulated lecture (oral test) be sent electronically or will it be necessary to go to the university branch?
    The outline of the oral test will be sent by email.

  10. Will assessment rubrics for the written test and oral test be published to describe the generic dimensions indicated as the subject of assessment?
    Each candidate will have the opportunity to carry out a design that allows them to express their skills, we suggest that candidates practise a design consistent with the discipline(s) of their competition class.

  11. In the written test, will it be possible to consult the regulatory sources relating to the specific learning objectives? Will it be possible to consult the civil code?
    At the examination, the ministerial guidelines for each school order will be made available to the candidates for consultation.

  12. Will a series of topics for the final exam be provided?

  13. Will the UDA be at will or is the title chosen by the committee?
    Each candidate will have an opportunity to carry out a design that allows each one to express his or her skills; we suggest that candidates practice a design consistent with the discipline(s) of their competition class

  14. Can the three didactic actions of the UDA be on different topics or must they be linked together?
    The design must be consistent with: the learning objectives, the disciplinary and transversal competencies that the candidate will indicate, the type of school, and the educational period chosen.

  15. Will ecampus provide the topic on the day of the exam for the Uda that they will develop during the written exam or are the candidates to choose title/topic of the Uda that they will develop on the day of the exam?
    Each candidate will have an opportunity to carry out a design that allows each one to express his or her skills; we suggest that candidates practice a design consistent with the discipline(s) of their competition class.

  16. In the section on the main aims of the course, should I indicate only the competence development goals and specific learning objectives? If so, where should I indicate European key competencies and citizenship competencies?
    Write down the main objectives of the UdA as a whole. It would be better if there were not too many so as not to make the project too general, the specific objectives should be detailed in the teaching actions.

  17. Will students have the opportunity to consult the part of the National Directions that pertains to the CdC?
    These are the documents that can be consulted to gain mastery of the expected competencies according to the type of school, address of study, and subject area indicated in the "Target Audience" field:

  18. Will the topic of the writing be totally free or will it be chosen on some given macro-areas?
    Each candidate will have an opportunity to carry out a design that allows each one to express his or her skills; we suggest that candidates practice a design consistent with the discipline(s) of their competition class.

  19. Will the written test be computer-based or paper-based?
    The written test will be paper-based.

  20. How should the active part of the simulated lesson be organized?
    It would be good to give the committee a general idea of how the candidate sets up the lesson with the classroom, of course it depends on the type of lesson the candidate intends to develop, it is important that the pre-active part and the active part are consistent.

  21. It would be good to give the committee a general idea of how the candidate sets up the lesson with the classroom, of course it depends on the type of lesson the candidate intends to develop, it is important that the pre-active part and the active part are consistent.
    Students may use the format they want.

Schedule under definition.