Disability, LD and Special Educational Needs
e-Campus University intends to guarantee to all its students equal opportunities of access and fruition of the educational pathway, according to the regulations in force. For this purpose, an Academic Commission for Students with Special Educational Needs (CABES) has been set up to evaluate the requests concerning examination procedures and access to the environments and services at all the branches of the University.
The Academic Commission for Students with Special Educational Needs was established in order to assess the needs of students with disabilities
and / or DSA, BES and plan interventions to ensure the right to study and inclusion of all students enrolled, in accordance with the current legislation.
Members of the Commission:
Rector's Representative
Prof. Venusia Covelli
Faculty Representatives
Faculty of Engineering: Prof. Antonelli Michela
Faculty of Economics: Prof. Angelina Marcelli
Faculty of Law: Prof. Enrico Landoni
Faculty of Literature: Prof. Alessandra Mita
Faculty of Psychology: Prof. Gian Mauro Manzoni
Representative of the Academic Teaching Committee
Prof. Riccardo Botteri
Representative of the Tutors and the Degree Courses
Dott.ssa Annamaria Pagano
Email Addresses:
Giulia Familari
Student Representative
It is possible to contact the Student Representative by consulting the representatives of the technical-administrative staff. Dr. Laura Panizza (Disciplinary Tutor of the Faculty of Psychology) and Dr. Simone Caponetti (Disciplinary Tutor of the Faculty of Law) collaborate in the work of the Commission.
Following the presentation of the documentation, the student will be contacted by the CABES disciplinary tutor for an initial cognitive interview in order to accept and understand their needs, and to prepare useful interventions to facilitate the learning pathway. An individualized support plan will then be agreed upon, monitored over time and possibly updated during the course of studies.
In accordance with the certification or attestation presented, the student with Disability, LD or special educational needs, may have access to personalized exam procedures, detailed below:
- Material support from an internal tutor for the performance of the exam in presence. The student with Disability, or special education needs following an explicit request, will have the possibility to be supported by an internal tutor for the reading of the exam paper and/or for the writing of the answers.
- Additional time for the performance of tests. Students with disabilities, LD or special education needs, following an explicit request, will have the opportunity to be provided additional time during the course of profit exams, of at least 30% more than the time allowed under normal circumstances.
- Subdivision of the syllabus of an exam into several partial tests, to be agreed upon with the teacher in charge of the course;
- Personalized exam procedures, in written or oral form, more appropriate to one's learning characteristics;
- Use of conceptl maps prepared independently;
- Use of a non-scientific calculator;
- Use of forms shared and approved by the teacher.
Upon specific requests, students with disabilities, LD or special educational needs, will have the opportunity to be accompanied at the exam centres.
Students with disabilities, LD or special educational needs can make use of the contents of a specific section in their reserved area on the official website of the University.
Among the compensation tools suggested by the 2014 Guidelines for students with disabilities (CNUDD) are concept maps. Students with Disabilities, LD or special educational needs who are given the opportunity to benefit from concept maps during the oral and/or written exams can attend training group meetings offered periodically and may receive specific advice with regard to the structuring of concept maps for exam preparation.
Students with disabilities, LD or special educational needs, upon specific request, can be supported in the finding of textbooks and study materials in accessible format.
The services provided by CABES are available to students with disabilities, LD or special educational needs in possession of a valid disability certificate, or attestation of a situation of temporary or permanent socio-cultural or linguistic disadvantage, and regularly enrolled in:
- Bachelor's Degrees;
- Specialistic or Master's Degrees;
- Single Cycle Specialistic Degrees;
- Single Cycle Master's Degrees;
- Masters;
- Research Doctorates.
- Other courses provided in the academic educational offer.
Students must apply for access to Services by filling in the application form available at the following LINK.
CABES will then review the applications in chronological order.
In order to be deemed valid, the application forms must be accompanied by the following documents:
- Disabilities (L. 104/1992)
- Valid Disability certificates issued by the INPS medical commissions;
- or specialist clinical-diagnostic documentation in support of the certification of civil disability presented.
- DSA (L. 170/2010)
- certifications issued by the National Health Service (ASL, Clinics, Hospitals, etc.), accredited private bodies (Clinics, Private Practices, etc.) or by licensed professionals (documentation regarding accreditation must be attached) issued no earlier than three years prior to the time of the request; in the event that the certification has not been issued in the last three years, the student will be advised to update it, as provided for by the regulations for the transition between the different levels of education. Certifications issued after the age of 18 are considered valid regardless of the date of issue.
- Certification of other conditions that compromise the usual participation in teaching activities and the conduct of examinations in the usual manner (BES: DM of 27/12/2012)
- Medical record (eg neuropsychiatric evaluation, psychiatric and / or psychodiagnostic) attesting:
- the state of socio-cultural or linguistic disadvantage;
- the presence of diagnoses not included in L.104/92 or L.170/2010 (eg ADHD, FIL);
- the presence of learning difficulties not covered by a diagnosis of LD;
- the state of disability or temporary disability (for example accidents, interventions, hospitalizations, prolonged illnesses).
After having verified the acceptability of the applications, CABES will examine their appropriateness on the basis of the nosographic and functional information contained in the certifications of disability or DSA, or in the attestations attached to the applications. In case CABES considers such information insufficient and is therefore unable to formalize the approvation (see art. z), it may ask the Student secretariat to contact the students concerned in order to obtain further information.

Framework law for the assistance, social integration and rights of handicapped persons.

Integration and modification of the framework law February 5, 1992, n. 104, for the assistance, social integration and rights of handicapped persons

Law 8 October 2010, n. 170 New rules on specific learning disabilities in school.

Ministerial Decree issued on 12 July 2011 on specific learning disabilities.

Guidelines for the right to study of pupils and students with SLD.

National Conference of University Delegates for Disabilities
Art. 1 Establishment of CABES
CABES was established by Rector's Decree on 18/05/2021 and with the following legal provisions:
- Article 4, paragraph 3, of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
- Framework Law n. 104, 5 february 1992 "Framework law for the assistance, integration and rights of persons with disabilities";
- Law n. 17, 28 January 1999 "Integration and modification of framework law 5 february 1992, n. 104 for assistance, social integration and rights of persons with disabilities";”;
- Law 9 January 2004, n. 4, "Dispositions to favour the access of disabled students to computer tools";
- Law n. 18, 3 march 2009, "Ratification and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities";
- Law n. 170, 8 October 2010, "New regulations in matter of specific learning diseases in a school context":
- the Statute and the Regulation of the University.
The legal and operative headquarters are located in Novedrate (CO), Via Isimbardi n. 10.
Art. 2 Purposes of CABES
The purposes of CABES are the following:
- favouring the academic pathway of students with Disabilities, Learning Diseases or Special Educational Needs through the predisposition to the services and assistive devices needed to overcome architectural barriers; and through the adoption of dispensative measures in case of Learning Diseases;
- ensuring equal opportunities for the implementation of the exams. Said measures are adopted at the time of registration and will be effective until the graduation of the student;
- promoting awareness-raising actions within the University, through a specific training programme addressing the current laws relating to Disabilities, Learning Diseases and Special Educational Needs, aimed at the teaching staff and the technical-administrative staff;
- implementing training programmes addressing the themes of inclusive teaching;
- establishing the modalities for the evaluation and the monitoring of the services.
Art. 3 The services provided by CABES
The Services provided by CABES for the students with disabilities are the following:
- Help Desk: Following the presentation of the documentation (provided for in art. 5), the student will be contacted by the CABES disciplinary tutor for an initial cognitive interview in order to accept and understand their needs, and to prepare useful interventions to facilitate the learning pathway. An individualized support plan will then be agreed upon, monitored over time and possibly updated during the course of studies.
- Personalization of the exams. In accordance with the certification or attestation presented (provided for in art. 5), the students with Disability, LD or special educational needs, may have access to personalized exam procedures, detailed below:
- Material support from an internal tutor for the performance of the exam in presence. The student with Disability, or special education needs following an explicit request, will have the possibility to be supported by an internal tutor for the reading of the exam paper and/or for the writing of the answers.
- Additional time for the performance of tests. Students with disabilities, LD or special education needs, following an explicit request, will have the opportunity to be provided additional time during the course of profit exams, of at least 30% more than the time allowed under normal circumstances.
- Subdivision of the syllabus of an exam into several partial tests, to be agreed upon with the teacher in charge of the course;
- Personalized exam procedures, in written or oral form, more appropriate to one's learning characteristics;
- Use of concept maps prepared independently;
- Use of a non-scientific calculator;;
- Use of forms shared and approved by the teacher.
- Assistance. Upon specific requests, students with disabilities, LD or special educational needs, will have the opportunity to be accompanied at the exam centres.
- Video-tutorials, models and examples for the autonomous organization of concept maps. Students with disabilities, LD or special educational needs can make use of the contents of a specific section in their reserved area on the official website of the University.
- Training sessions and consultancy on the drafting of concept maps. Among the compensation tools suggested by the 2014 Guidelines for students with disabilities (CNUDD) are concept maps. Students with Disabilities, LD or special educational needs who are given the opportunity to benefit from concept maps during the oral and/or written exams can attend training group meetings offered periodically and may receive specific advice with regard to the structuring of concept maps for exam preparation.
- Books and study material in accessible format. Students with disabilities, LD or special educational needs, upon specific request, can be supported in the finding of textbooks and study materials in accessible format.
Art. 4 Users
Students with Disabilities, Learning Diseases or Special Learning Needs in possession of a valid certificate, or the attestation of other conditions compromising the typical implementation of didactic activities and the provision of exams according to the current modallities (provided for in art. 5) and regularly enrolled in:
- a Bachelor's Degree;
- a Specialist Degree or a Master's Degree;
- a Single-Cycle Specialist Degree;
- a Single Cycle Master's Degree;
- Masters;
- Research Doctorates.
- Other courses provided by the formative offer of the University.
Art. 5 Access to the Services
Students with disabilities, learning diseases and special learning needs who meet the requirements of Art. 4 and provided for in the aforementioned legislation must submit an application filling in the online form, provided in the CABES section - of the reserved area.
The members of CABES will then examine the application in chronological order.
In order to be considered valid, the applications must be accompanied by the necessary support documents, which must be uploaded in the appropriate section:
- Disabilities (L. 104/1992)
- valid Civil Disability Certification issued by INPS medical commissions;
- any specialised clinical-diagnostic documentation supporting the Civil Disability Certification submitted.
- Learning Diseases (L. 170/2010)
- certifications issued by the National Health Service (Local Health Authorities, Clinics, Hospitals, etc.), accredited private entities (Clinics, Professional Practices, etc.) or by accredited freelance professionals (documentation or accreditation must be attached) with an issue date not exceeding three years prior to the time of application; if the certificate has not been issued in the three years prior to the time of application, the student will be advised to update it, as provided for in the regulations for the transition between the different grades of education.
Certificates issued after the age of 18 are considered valid regardless of the date of issue.
- certifications issued by the National Health Service (Local Health Authorities, Clinics, Hospitals, etc.), accredited private entities (Clinics, Professional Practices, etc.) or by accredited freelance professionals (documentation or accreditation must be attached) with an issue date not exceeding three years prior to the time of application; if the certificate has not been issued in the three years prior to the time of application, the student will be advised to update it, as provided for in the regulations for the transition between the different grades of education.
- Certificates issued after the age of 18 are considered valid regardless of the date of issue. Certification of other conditions that compromise usual participation in teaching activities and the performance of examinations in the usual manner (Special Learning Needs: DM of 27/12/2012)
- documentation attesting:
- a state of disadvantage of a socio-cultural or linguistic nature;
- the presence of diagnoses not included in L.104/92 or L.170/2010 (e.g.: ADHD, FIL)
- learning difficulties not covered by any diagnosis;;
- a state of temporary disability or incapacity (for example accidents, operations, hospitalisation, prolonged illness).
- documentation attesting:
Should CABES consider the nosographic and functional information contained in the disability or DSA certificates, or in the certificates attached to the application, to be insufficient, it may ask the Student secretariat to contact the students concerned in order to obtain further information.
Art. 6 Predisposition of a customized Exam Plan (P.E.I.)
CABES establishes the measures of individualization of the exam modalities to be granted on the basis of the specific applications (see art. 5) and will send the Student Administration Office a formal resolution containing all the indications for their correct application (Art. 3).
Should the initial conditions change, CABES has the option of amending the resolution issued upon the student's request, reserving the right to request any updated documentation.
Art. 7 Educational and technological compensatory aids
Upon request of the student with Disabilities, Learning Disabilities or Special Learning Needs, CABES may facilitate the access to technological aids, both hardware and software, to be made available on loan for free use. CABES also promotes the dissemination of accessible teaching aids by providing guidance to teaching and technical-administrative staff. CABES may avail itself, if necessary, of the advice of specialised personnel or the aids offered by specialised centres through agreements and collaborations.
Art. 8 Quality Assurance
CABES will evaluate and ensure the quality of Services so as to grant usefulness and efficiency, even for the purpose of identifying the best solutions for improvement.
Art. 9 Integration, review and modification of the present Service Charter
The Rector is authorized to make the necessary additions to the present Service Charter subsequently to the date of entry into force of the Charter. Said integrations and modifications will than be communicated through the publication on the online platform of the University.
Art. 10 Entry into force
The present Service Charter will enter into force on the following day to the date of publication on the online platform of the University.
Art. 11 Privacy
The data that CABES will have at its disposal will be processed in compliance with the Academic Regulations on the protection of personal data, issued by R.D. No. 24 of 27 January 2006 and with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - enriched with references to the Recitals and updated with the corrigenda published in the Official Journal of the European Union 127 of 23 May 2018 - "GDPR".
Art. 12 Final Dispositions
For what is not provided in the present Service Charter please refer to the current national legislation on disability, Learning Diseases and Special Learning Needs, and to the Service Charter of the University.
Date of approval by the The Technical-Supervisory Committee: 25 February 2022